Why I Blog

I often get asked why I write a blog, so here’s why:

I enjoy writing about life. Life is experiences and people. It’s funny family stories, it’s talking about generous friends and people who help their friends grow. It’s talking about vacations and experiences. Not gloating about where we went but expressing the appreciation of being blessed to be able to travel with loved ones. It’s breakfast with a good friend, it’s that talk with your son that you both remember because you connected on a new level. It’s my love letter to those people who make life worth living. 

One thing I won’t write about is politics. Why? Because I firmly believe that social media is one of the reasons we’re so divided as a country. I was on Facebook the other day because I was asked to “like” a page. I quickly remembered why I don’t read Facebook. Amongst the cute and funny pictures and family stories were the political rants. Not political discussions, but rants. Rants don’t invite discussion, they only polarize. So rant or not, if you want to discuss politics let’s do it over a cup of coffee or a cocktail. But let’s talk, not debate; not have a winner and loser, but exchange thoughts in person, not here.

Is my blog biased? You bet it is. It’s about interpreting the world in the most positive way I can. It’s reliving experiences that at the time made me mad or disappointed and now I see why I had to experience that to be a better person. When I write about a person I admire, it’s about that person. It’s not about comparing them to other wonderful people, it’s just about the celebration of the human spirit in that person. I also write so when the days come that my grand kids ask “what was Grandpa like?”, they can see how I saw the world.

I truly hope my stories leave you feeling good. I hope they occasionally tug at your heartstrings, make you laugh, cause you to ponder, and see someone you love in a different way. There are many wonderful things about our lives, our interactions, our earth, and yes, even our climate. Choose to see the positive. Buck the popular trend of thinking there’s only bad news. Our time on this earth is indeed fleeting, so choose to experience it celebrating, not mourning.  

Thanks for stopping by,
Pat Daddy

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