On Saturday we were off to a wedding. This time joined by our family; the Engineer and the Norwegian Pescatarian, as well as Smooch and Hot Dish. The reception included 3 hours of dancing. So off we were to either dance our dance steps that fit the music or mimic our younger family members whose more modern dances consisted of much jumping. Dancing of any sort is fun, and we spent most of those 3 hours on the dance floor as did the rest of our family.
Sunday morning, we awoke to feeling a few muscles we forgot we had. The jumping of the previous night was blamed for our sore hamstrings, but the memories of the fun outweighed our discomfort. You would expect Sunday to be our recovery day, but no, there was more dancing to be had. Two months previous our close dance group; Mike and Angie, Steve and Robyn and David and Stephanie decided one night we needed to have our own dance event. In the Denver area there is normally a 1940’s Christmas ball we were all planning to attend, but it was cancelled. So, after some discussion Steve approached our studio owner about renting the studio for a few hours. After all it’s closed on Saturday and Sunday.
The studio owner, Morris, was very supportive and gladly rented us the studio for a very reasonable fee. As holiday weekends are often full of obligations, we chose a Sunday night for our party. We drew up a guest list, sent out invitations, invited people to bring drinks and food to share and it all culminated Sunday night from 6-9 pm. Michael and Steve had received lessons on how to work the music system and for three hours we had music, food and drinks and friends to share it with. Unlike the studios dance parties, there was no quick time limit where you feel obligated to dance every song. We had time to visit, eat and dance. It was a wonderful evening.
We were home Sunday night before ten. Tired and ready for bed we realized we had danced for over an hour for 4 days. As we readied for the new week and then climbed into bed, we quickly fell asleep. Where our dreams were filled with memories of dancing through the weekend.