Where do I start to tell all of you about this weekend's wedding? It was an amazing experience that culminated in the most fun, emotional ride of my life.
I’ll start with May. It was May that we had the road put in to access the meadow and a 120 x 60 area flattened in the meadow to hold a 100 x 60 tent if necessary. In those days we were sure Covid would be done by September 26th, wouldn’t it? As soon as the area was flattened we trucked in 8 yards of topsoil and planted pasture mix. Covered it with straw mats that were 8 feet by 100 feet. Then I bought 400 feet of hose to get the water to the area and began watering it every morning. I would walk down to the meadow a minimum of 6 times and by the time I started work at 9 am I’d have over two miles on my fit bit. This would last until August when the drought was just too much to overcome and I tried to water each part of the area once every other day. Finally I just let it get crunchy like the rest of the meadow.
Then there was clean up day where many friends came out to help us clear out dead branches and trees so the meadow would look great. In my rough calculations we removed 80 yards of branches. My brother Doc fell off a ladder that day and would find out 10 days later he tore his bicep tendon 95% and he’d need surgery.
Then there were the home improvements. I had our deck replaced and slightly enlarged. We built new stairs down the rock walls, and buried the old cement stairs that didn't even qualify to be called stairs. I painted the retaining wall, we had new garage doors installed. MLW added accent lights on our trees, I repainted the letters inscribed in the rocks that have our address. We stripped and re-stained all our outdoor furniture. I built rock walls on the new roadbeds and we and our friend Steve brought in about 10-12 pickup loads of free mulch to cover our new road. Most summers I’d be mad we spent so much time at home, but as it’s a Covid year, the chores were actually a welcome distraction.
It would be disingenuous to say we did it all just for the kids' wedding. I’ve always been motivated by deadlines and events are great excuses to finally do the projects you always wanted to do. The wedding was a great excuse to make the house and grounds look good for the wedding. So no martyr awards for us, I’m just glad we were able to make the house and grounds look nice.
So let's jump to this past week. MLW took the entire week off, I took off Wednesday through Friday. Our weather was warm and dry, like the rest of the summer, and forecasts had it that way through the wedding. We daily saw E as he came out to complete various projects. One thing I realized about NP is she likes to create experiences and in doing so you don’t always know the big picture. I’m a big-picture guy so to say the lead up to the wedding didn’t occasionally frustrate me, would be untrue and in retrospect, my occasional snarky comments are now embarrassing, especially after seeing the wedding.
The three days off were full of cleaning, staining posts, putting in a bedroom door on the room Doc would sleep in, helping E with projects, and mowing. NP and E hung lights in some of the trees and jars with candle lights in the willow tree we’d all walk through on our way into the wedding area. It was beautiful. On Wednesday night we had a family dinner with Ken & Vickie (NP’s parents), E, NP and NP’s sister Kaeleen. Thursday night after working in the yard all day, we had a family pizza night with H & NP, Ken and Vickie, Kaeleen and her boyfriend Tommy, plus we were joined by Smooch and Addie. After our dinner we had an outdoor movie night in our pergola and fire pit while we watched
About Time.
Suddenly it was Friday. The tent arrived at 8 am, the tables and chairs arrived at noon. Hayden and many of the groomsmen put up lights in the tent. The wedding trail was marked with flags, lanterns and an archway. Lights not already put in the trees were put up. Then came the giant wedding sign, yes giant; 16’ x 4’! It was painted by the Knopps and it was beautiful. No one would miss our house.
The next thing we knew it was time for the rehearsal and the dinner which also were here. The wedding party began arriving as E, several of the groomsmen and I were still doing prep. A quick jump into the shower and we were ready to entertain. The bride arrived and we were off to the meadow to walk through the wedding. It’s times like this when the help and kindness of friends really help as when we returned to the garage, Angie and Michael had brought the catering in from town and set it up. We had an outdoor dinner, I gave a toast and we had a mixer activity which allowed the wedding party to get to know each other. By 8:30 everyone had gone home to rest up for the big day. I looked at my phone at 10 pm and there was a message from the Mom of my two high-schoolers that were going to park guests. A couple of phone calls later and we needed plan B, the boys were quarantined due a possible Covid exposure from a classmate they both go to school with. Thankfully, more friends, Sarah and Billy would direct guests for us on Saturday
E and Smooch slept at the Holiday Inn that night. The bridal suite was rented, not for a wedding night but actually because all the women in the bridal party would gather at 9:30 in the morning at the hotel using the bridal suite to get their hair and makeup done. Since E couldn’t see NP until she walked down the aisle, the boys slept in the room and were out by 9. At our house we had breakfast for MLW, Doc, Allie, Smooch and I and then we were off to get last minute prep done.
We put up the large tent we normally use for our beer fest for the catering line, and finished setting up the outdoor party area with chairs and cornhole games. The bathroom trailer was coming at 2 as were the caterers. We tidied a few more things up and the next thing we knew the groomsmen started showing up. The bathroom trailer came 5 minutes before the caterer and blocked the catering truck while he filled his fresh water tank. When I went down to tell him where to park the trailer, it was like a zombie movie. It seemed every vendor who had a question came toward me “can we turn around the hexagon wedding backer? It might tip over if we don’t.” “The tables don’t fit like the diagram…” “Where can we get water for the flowers?” I answered what I could and called Hayden on the ones I could not. I went up to get my shower and one of Hayden’s friends went down and went through the bathroom checklist for me. By the time I was out of the shower and shaved it was after 4pm yikes!
I came downstairs and E and the groomsmen were getting their boutonnieres on. I took a look at Smooch and his pants didn’t match his jacket. I pointed it out and we hurried upstairs to find and have him put on his correct pants. Luckily Ken asked him as we were going out to be driven down to the wedding area, “hey, you have the rings, right?” No, they were in his other pants. Whew, tragedy averted.
We were dropped off at the tent, we walked over behind the berm where we’d gather and prepare to walk down the aisle. Synneva was led to her tent where we couldn’t see her and at 5 pm sharp, the music started and with MLW on his left and me on his right we walked through the willow and up the aisle. My eyes welled up the minute we began the walk. My son was getting married, oh my gosh, I was so proud, so happy, so...emotional, and I didn’t remember a tissue! A hug and a kiss from both of us and he’s up there, about to get married.
We turned and watched Smooch come up the aisle next with NP’s sister Kaeleen. Oh my gosh, he was so grown up, so happy; another flood of tears. The other four groomsmen came up with two bridesmaids also so happy and good looking but I had a short respite from new tears. Then the music changed, I looked back and here came NP; simply beautiful. Yep here comes more tears. I turn to look at E and Smooch as they see NP, thank goodness their eyes are all dewy too. NP gets to the altar, she looks at E, he looks at her. If they can look at each other like that only once a week, they’ll be married forever.
I glance up and many of my neighbors are watching from their decks. The wedding has been the buzz of the neighborhood all summer. The ceremony starts and us parents are called up for a prayer. We were asked if we wanted to add to the prayer the night before, thank goodness I said no, I can’t speak. The ceremony goes on beautifully. As they start their vows, the guests unbeknownst to us start sitting down. But Kay and I, so deep in the moment don’t even notice. Their vows done, we suddenly realize we are the only ones standing, and sit down. No-one says anything about it later, many of them have married children; they knew we were deep in the moment. The entire ceremony is done in about 20 minutes, the new bride and groom turn to leave, the sun low in the western sky behind them, their looks of excitement and happiness, I’m holding the hand of my own wonderful wife of 32 years; all is right in the world.
Pictures follow as the guests start the cocktail hour and begin playing corn hole, or meet in small groups. Once we’re released by the photographer we too grab a cocktail and start talking with friends. The weather is beautiful, it’s a warm early fall evening. Horderves are being served by waiters and waitresses circulating through the smiling groups. About seven we’re called into the tent and shortly thereafter the new bride and groom are announced and they immediately have their first dance. To what you ask? Me and Mrs. Jones, of course.
Next bridesmaid Paige gets up and with her guitar sings a song. She sounds great and the heartfelt gift is appreciated by all. Now it’s time for the comments and toasts from the maid of honor, the groomsman, the father of the bride and lastly me. Yikes! I have practiced my speech for a couple of days. I can almost get through it without crying, or so I hope. Kaeleen starts off. Her speech is sweet, poignant, and funny. Next up is Smooch, his timing is dead on, he pulls out some new jabs and some old ones that make the guests laugh and then simply and masterfully reminds his new sister in law and his brother how much he loves them. Oh great, here come the tears again. Thankfully up next is Ken or as he announced to the group,
Hello I’m Kenneth James Knopp, the one and only… Ken’s wit and delivery is just as sincere as only the father of the bride can be but ends on an up note, giving me a hope I can make it through my delivery. I’m introduced, and suddenly smooch yells out “Go Pat Daddy”! The group laughs, my anxiety drops and I start in.
I’ve spoken in front of groups many times at both business and BSA functions. I eulogized both my parents and Cindy my sister in law. But I’ve never stood up with the intention of telling two living people how much I love them and I’ve never had to practice a speech so many times to stop the voice from cracking and the facial spasms to keep me from speaking until now. I start knowing there are two very hard parts I have to get through. As I work my way through I glance up. MLW already has tears in her eyes and I haven’t reached the hard part. Smooch and Addie promised to be my go to people to look at but when I look at Smooch his eyes are watery too. Oh man I need someone else to look at. I make it through the first hard part ok and when I approach the second, my voice holds out but the tears flow while I speak. The only problem now is it’s pretty hard to read. I finish, give my toast and as I sit down E looks at me with tears in his eyes and says “Thanks Dad, as always, you didn't disappoint.”
After that NP had her dance with her Dad and they looked wonderful. MLW and E had their dance and besides being stunningly beautiful, MLW had the happiest glow I’ve ever seen since the day we got married. Then dinner and then dancing!
Yes, dancing and everyone danced. The DJ was incredible and the music flowed from one song to the next and the dance floor was full, always. Was it just the good DJ or was it the first time anyone has had the opportunity to dance in 7 months? Who knows, but it was fun! MLW pulled non dancers out on the dance floor, including my brother Doc. He stayed out there much of the night like everyone else. It was so much fun. The cool air had moved into the valley so the tent was warm but you needed only step out of the tent to enjoy the cool air.
At 10:40 the last dance ended and E and NP said their goodbyes and were off to their waiting car to take them to the Crawford Hotel in downtown Denver. We said goodbye to our friends, the caterers cleaned up and then there were just 7 of us, MLW, Doc, Smooch, Addie, Kameron (groomsman) and his date. We told stories and drank some of the beer. It was such a magical night none of us wanted it to end. At 12:45 Smooch took Doc to the house to go to bed, we talked a bit more and left the tent about 1:15. As we walked up the bridal path with it’s glowing lanterns, holding hands with MLW, Smooch looked at me and said “Dad can I get married in the meadow?”
After goodbyes to Kameron and Maggie, the four of us continued to talk in the kitchen. We re-lived many of the night's events, commented on the great weather and what an amazing wedding it was. It was one of the best days of my life.