Smooch got himself immersed in his vision of college; taking classes, riding mountain bikes, kayaking the river. His easy going friendliness led him to teach kayak rolling sessions at the pool every Monday night for most of his years at CMU and working for BoneShakers, a kid day camp that teaches middle and high schoolers mountain biking skills. As his classes got more challenging he learned better ways to study. He changed and adapted as all successful humans do. When classes got hard, he spent more time with his professors and advisor. He learned early in his life to be a self advocate and he’s one of the best today.
So as MLW, the Engineer, Hot Dish and I sat in the bleachers on Saturday morning, my heart once swelled again with pride as the tears rolled down my cheeks. There he was completing another milestone. Confident and strong, he knew he belonged there, he knew like all things in life; he’d earned it.
In times like these I think back in confusion and disappointment when I think of those people in his early life who, because of their own weaknesses and bias, weren’t supportive, and weren’t encouraging. There’s something terribly wrong when those who are there to lift us up, hold us down. We all heard the suggestions that Smooch wasn’t “college material”, that he wasn’t smart enough for anything above remedial learning. It begs the question how many others have experienced the same thing? And how many of them believed those comments and lost the desire to reach for their goals?
We were blessed as was Smooch to have found our own Smooch Champions. Those who encouraged him, those who supported him and those that helped him get the tools he needed to be successful in school and life. Many of you reading this blog were a part of that and we cannot thank you enough for the support you provided him and us.
So congratulations Smooch as our family's newest college graduate. We couldn’t be more proud of the man you’ve become and the tools you’ve equipped yourself with to move onto the next big thing in life, whatever you choose it to be.