After lunch our group packed up to ice fish. We soon learned that access to the “secret spot” where we were told the fish were was far from easy. First of all, reservoirs like Vega are at their lowest point this time of year, so the water was not near the boat ramp, no, far from it. Then add in that snow that was deep and fun the previous day and it was rather tough to get out to the water loaded down with gear and wearing snow shoes again. We finally got out on the water after a 6/10’s of a mile slog and got settled.
The snow would come in bands and varied from light to heavy. Most everyone caught or hooked a fish and MLW even admitted ice fishing was bearable in my ice fishing tent. Then we decided to go back to the vehicles and the slog began again in reverse. We made our way back to the cabins changed our clothes and in a rather heavy snow storm had a campfire and happy hour.
One thing that you find especially with families that are from colder climates is every family seems to have some type of winter drink. They vary from boozy to fruity, often with heartier spirits. For MLW I have heard for years of her mothers Glogg recipe. MLW doesn’t have that recipe anymore and basically just remembers her Mom would make it and then keep it in the cool mud room during the holidays. As she told me, all she knew was the adults would drink it warm and they’d get “giggly”. So MLW went to the Internet and came up with a recipe for Lotta’s Glogg. A recipe of wine, port and brandy, simmered with spices and served warm with a little honey. Addie’s family has Grandma Leora’s brandy slush; a mixture of brandy, orange juice, lemonade and tea frozen into a slush and served with ginger ale. My contribution was a flask of Snowshoe Grog, a 3 to 1 mix of brandy and peppermint schnapps I once enjoyed with my Dad while Ice fishing. We enjoyed those around the fire and then we moved onto dinner and more games.
It was just what most people think of when they think of a night in a mountain cabin. A warm cabin, good friends, fun stories and laughter all while the snow falls on a cold winter night. We finished our last game at about 11 and everyone was off to a well deserved rest after a big day enjoying the outdoors.
Sunday dawned cold as I explained earlier. We had a breakfast of pancakes and sausage and then loaded up our vehicles. Two families had moved into two of the other cabins on Saturday and the air was filled with the sounds of kids having fun outside. As we said our good byes to the college kids and loaded into our cars the weekend seemed incredibly short. I think Smooch gave us the greatest hint as to why. He pointed out to us what a difference it was that he brought someone who wanted to be there. Indeed that was it. Never once did anyone look forward to return home but instead looked forward to the next fun thing to do outside. With plans to add an extra day next year, we drove away with more fun stories in our hearts and a continued appreciation for our winter weekend at Vega State Park.