Sunday morning I had agreed to return to the second meeting of my company and present again the presentation I had done during week one. My family was very nice and wanted to come see me present. We had a bit of a time mix-up that had me hurrying everyone out of the condo so we could travel the 45 minutes to Kaanapali beach and the Hyatt, but we made it with 15 minutes to spare. My presentation went well and then we were off for some shopping and lunch in Lahaina. After that we played at Black Rock beach where E and Smooch used the new boogie board E had purchased to play in the waves. The surge was still strong so we didn’t snorkel much. Smooch did jump off the rocks into the ocean which was fun to watch. We headed home, ate leftovers and called it a night.
Monday we walked into town via the beach and had breakfast at Nalu’s South Shore Grill. It was nice to eat in the open air restaurant. Then we returned to the condo, readied our scuba gear and headed over to B&B where we got our gear and drove back to Wakena Landing and had our shore dive refresher. Carl our dive master told us to expect little visibility and a strong current as the surge was still coming into the shore. We were all a bit nervous but got ourselves out and under the water where we did refresher lessons. You could see maybe 15 feet and as we did our class, our whole group moved across the sand about 6 feet each way as the surf moved in and out. We all did pass and then spent another 30 minutes diving along the reef.
Tuesday, we were up bright and early to drive the road to Hana. MLW and drove the road last in 2014. In those days you bought a CD and you’d listen to it an watch for mileage markers. Now you download an app that tracks you via GPS and it tells you what you’re coming up to before you get there. I was not sure we’d make it all he way to Hana, because we had reservations for a luau in Lahaina which is on the other side of the island. After a hike, a stop for shaved ice, banana bread, and numerous photo ops. Then on the way back we stopped and swam in three waterfalls. Another dash into the shower at the condo and we were off to the Feast at Lele, a dinner and luau in Lahaina. There we were fed a 5 course all inclusive dinner with cocktails. We tried every tropical drink out there in a rainbow of colors. The food was delicious and the show was very good. We especially enjoyed that it was on the beach.
Wednesday we awoke at 5 am so we could make the dive at Molokini crater. We had to be at the marina by 5:45. As it was getting to be late summer we arrived in the dark. Shortly after six the large dual hull boat was in the water and we were on our way to Molokini crater. We were the first dive boat to get there. They tied up to the float where we’d have our first dive ( ou can’t drop anchor or you'll damage the coral) The water was that clear Hawaii aqua and the visibility was 200-300 feet. We dove in and as Smooch said: It was like diving in an aquarium. During WWII the navy used the crater for target practice. There are still live munitions in the crater, there are also a lot of bullet slugs. While we dove our divemaster puled out an expanded bullet slug that had been shot sometime during WWII. Amazing.
Our second dive was a drift dive along the outer wall of the crater. There again we saw an amazing array of fish colored from every bit of the rain bow. Here the bottom was about 300’ below us. You could look out into the murky depths where we saw several white tipped sharks. It was a great dive. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and spending time at another beach. We then cleaned up and were off to our “fancy” dinner courtesy of work. Since I came back to present while on vacation, I was told I could take the family out to dinner. In Hawaii that’s quite a gift and we had a nice late meal at Humble Market Kitchen.
Thursday we checked out of the condo and spent the day buying gifts and souvenirs. We searched out what was rated as the best Poke’ on the Island at Eskimo Candy, shopped some more and then ended up at the beach by the airport watching the sailboards and the kite sailers fly across the water. Then a quick bite and it was time to get to the airport and take our over night flights home. We were on a separate flight from the kids but we landed in Denver about 45 minutes apart.
The trip was wonderful and we had so much fun. We got to watch our “kids” experience Maui for the first time and they stretched us to some new adventures. I always wanted to dive with both our boys and it happened on this trip, hopefully we’ll get NP certified in the near future.
Another memory tucked away about a great adventure with the family I love.