On Friday Feb 22 Smooch and Hot dish met us at the Vega Lodge on the north shore of the reservoir. The lodge has a beautiful dining room with an incredible log bar that they say was made from just one tree. The cabins are small and though they boast a kitchenette, it’s really just a small closet sized room with a microwave and a coffee maker.
We shared a cabin with Smooch and HD and it was clean but tight especially when we went to pull out the futon they slept on. We brought a table to play games and eat on and we were glad we did as the little 24” round end table was all that was available in our room other wise. We were also joined by S & HD’s friends Ryan and Sienna who stayed in their own cabin that was even cozier than ours.
The six of us played games in the evenings and on Saturday we went Ice fishing. The day was calm and sunny. The warm sun was wonderful and the ice was about 18” thick. Fishing was marginal as only Smooch and MLW each caught a fish. But it was MLW’s first fish through the ice and she was pretty excited. Then we had lunch on another vacant cabins deck and enjoyed the day. Most of us took a short nap after lunch and then we headed down to the side of the reservoir for some sledding. Dinner followed and our tired group played one game and went to bed early.
Sunday also dawn sunny and calm. Ryan ans Sienna left in the later morning and after they had gone we put on our snow shoes and hiked across the lake. The snow had crusted over and the snow underneath was a soft quicksand of snow that did not pack. Poor Rudy the dog struggled in these areas as he sunk to his torso in the snow. He would learn to look for the snowed over snowmobile trails where the snow had a firmer cap that he could walk on.
We returned from the hike and had lunch. With Smooch and HD leaving and the next day being Presidents day we decided to checkout early rather than stay another night and leave early in the morning. We drove to Grand Junction and had dinner with the kids. Then we left Grand Junction at 7 pm and with lightly traveled roads were back at home by 11 pm and in bed 15 minutes later. We would learn on Monday that we made the right choice as the forecasted snow moved in and the Presidents Day traffic was very slow coming out of the mountains.
With that weekend under our belt we also made plans to spend the first weekend of March on Lake Isabel near Rye, CO with the Engineer and NP. We left on Friday at Noon to very nice weather reminiscent of early Spring. MLW and I drove ahead of E & NP. As we approached Pueblo, CO I remembered that the The Walter’s Brewery had been reopened a few years ago. Walter’s in it’s heyday had breweries in Eau Claire, WI and one in Pueblo, CO. I remember Walter’s as it was the beer my Dad would drink when we were on vacation in Wisconsin. Both Breweries are open again producing the original Walter’s lager and other specialty beers. One beer Walter’s in Pueblo makes is a Pueblo Chile beer and it’s delicious. We stopped at the brewery on our way through Pueblo and had a beer and some lunch as we sat outside in our jeans and t-shirts enjoying he warm Pueblo sun. We left with several of their six packs as we headed down the road.
We arrived about an hour before E & NP and got settled in the cabin. Friday night we played some games after dinner and caught up on this season’s Mrs. Maisel. Saturday we got out on the lake a after a leisurely breakfast and did some ice fishing. The day was bright and sunny but had a cold wind coming out of the north, so we fished from inside my fishing shelter. We returned for lunch and naps, then headed out for an evening hike.
We thought we could hike a bit under the dam but failed to bring our snowshoes. The snow down in the canyon below the dam was deep, like 3 feet deep, and we sunk in as deep as our legs. We didn’t stay long and poor Rudy had to jump like a bunny to get through the deep snow. We returned to the frozen lake, enjoyed the view and the in coming snowstorm that was cresting the mountains.
Another evening of games, dinner and Mrs. Maisel, and we awoke Sunday to 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and more coming. After breakfast E & NP left and MLW, Rudy and I took a snowshoe stroll across the lake. We made a nice loop that took us down a closed road where the only other tracks were from a cross country skier earlier that morning. We returned to the cabin, cleaned up, had lunch, and were on the road by 1. When we left 7 inches had fallen and we’d learn on Monday it ended up being about 14” when it was done.
Two Winter weekends each fun filled but lightly planned. Time to catch-up and spend time with our family; one-half at a time. Two winter weekends we didn’t work on chores or projects, but rather the most important thing, our relationships with our kids.